*Exploring the Link Between Housing and Health – Z Magazine
Article covering the health risks associated with sub-standard housing, by Koreishi, Wickham, and Donohoe
Article on homelessness in the US
*Housing and homelessness – a brief history of a national disgrace, from Green Social Thought.
Available at http://greensocialthought.org/content/housing-and-homelessness-brief-history-national-disgrace.
Tuberculosis in a Homeless Men’s Shelter – Morrow et al
Interactive Case Studies from the Cases in Population-Oriented Prevention Series
*Housing and homelessness. Prescription for Justice (cable television show, January, 2018). Guest Allison McIntosh, Deputy Director of Policy and Communications at Neighborhood Partnerships. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6l5lgnuwB0.
External Links:
Association of Clinicians for the Underserved: http://www.clinicians.org/
Change.org Homelessness Page: http://homelessness.change.org/
National Coalition for the Homeless: http://www.nationalhomeless.org/
National Health Care for the Homeless Council: http://www.nhchc.org/
Sisters of the Road: http://www.sistersoftheroad.org/