Public Health and Social Jusitce

Tobacco Industry


tobacco.jpgArticles and slide show on the tobacco industry, the Global Tobacco Treaty, and smoking cessation.

Slide Show:

*Tobacco – Health Effects Costs WHO Treaty Academia and Control Measures
Slide show covering US attempts to scuttle Global Tobacco Treaty, with comments on the links between medical schools, the insurance industry, and the tobacco industry; discusses health effects and costs of tobacco use and current tobacco regulation


*Cigarettes – Weapons of Mass Destruction – Medscape.doc
Article on US attempts to scuttle the Global Tobacco Treaty

*smoking cessation couseling – JGIM abstract.doc
Research study on smoking cessation counseling in primary care

tobacco ads – Harper’s lte.doc
Unpublished letter re tobacco advertising in Harper’s Magazine

WHO tobacco treaty – Oregonian lte.doc
Editorial re US attempts to scuttle Global Tobacco Treaty

WHO Tobacco Treaty and US administration – NEJM lte 4-07.doc
Unpublished letter to the editor covering US attempts to scuttle Global Tobacco Treaty

External Links:

Doctors Ought to Care:

Tobacco-Free College Campus Initiative:

WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: