Universal Health Care/Single Payer System
Articles, slide shows, and videos re the current U.S. health care system, international health care systems, and universal health care/single payer system
Slide Shows:
See also Luxury Care/Concierge Care page; and see Activism and Education page for slide shows on corporate malfeasance and environmental health
Comparing Health Care Systems – US and Developed Countries, 2009 – Steven Miles
Slide show comparing US and developed countries health care systems in terms of outcomes, costs, etc., by Dr Steven Miles
Conservative and business case for single payer, LaBonte, Weisbart, Master, PNHP 2017
Slide show from Drs. LaBonte and Weisbart and Mr Master, Physicians for a National Health Program National Meeting, 2017
Defense Against the Dark Arts – Understanding and Challenging Health Care Corruption
Slide show by Dr Roy Poses, President, Foundation for Integrity and Responsibility in Medicine
Global Population Health – Graduate Lectures by Steve Bezruchka: http://courses.washington.edu/gh514/lectures/
*Health Care – US and Worldwide
Overview of health care in the US and the world, including what constitutes health, major health problems, and how health care is financed
Health Care Reform – Equal Health Network, by Shaffer and Brenner
Information on the Obama health care plan with suggestions re mobilizing for improved health care reform, by Ellen Shaffer and Joe Brenner of EQUAL/Center for Policy Analysis
Health Care Reform – What it Means to Us – Shaffer and Brenner
Overview of the Obama plan and ways to move forward, by Ellen Shaffer and Joe Brenner of EQUAL/Center for Policy Analysis
Health of Populations – Undergraduate Lectures by Steve Bezruchka: http://courses.washington.edu/hserv482/lectures/
In sickness and in wealth (Dr Stephen Bezruchka, Alternative Radio): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8fnzZH_qSPyek1ENVNPLWlLNFE/view
Infant mortality and life expectancy at birth – Samuel Metz
Comments on cross-national comparisons of infant mortality and life expectancy at birth, by Dr. Samuel Metz
Pseudoevidence-Based Medicine – The New Threat to Evidence-Based Medicine
Slide show from Dr Wally Smith
Social justice, health and health care in the U.S. – J Freeman
The big picture. Morris Goldberg Memorial Lecture, by Dr Josh Freeman
Tough Questions and Responses re Single Payer Health Care – Bigelow
Tough questions and responses re single payer health care, by Douglas Bigelow, Health Care for All Oregon
US health care system in international perspective – Steven Miles
Slide show comparing costs and outcomes between the US and other health care systems, by Dr Steven Miles
What went wrong with health care – Commercialization, managerialism, and corruption – Poses and Smith
Slide show covering setbacks on the road to single payer health care, APHA 2018, by Drs Roy Poses and Wally Smith
Why Do Drugs Cost So Much and What can be done about it
Slide show by Joshua Freeman, MD
Articles (see also Luxury Care/Concierge Care page):
Caring for underserved speech 2003.doc
Outline of speech advocating universal health care coverage, 2003
Citizen’s View – Urge Schrader to support single-payer health care, with followup comments
Letter to editor, Lake Oswego Review, June 8, 2017. Available at https://pamplinmedia.com/lor/49-opinion/362385-240954-citizens-view-urge-schrader-to-support-single-payer-health-care. Additional comments included with editorial in above MS Word version.
Guaranteed Paid Time Off for Sick Leave Testimony
Testimony in support of Oregon House Bill 3390 (Guaranteeing Paid Time Off for Sick Leave)
health insurance – jobs for justice rally 3-04.doc
Outline of speech advocating universal health care
jobs for justice – universal hlth ins speech 2004.doc
Outline of speech advocating universal health care
States and Health Care Reform – J Steen, 2007
Essay from Health Planning Todaycovering states’ approaches to health care reform, by John Steen
Videos, TV, Radio:
Two Hundred Years that Changed the World (Gap Minder Video): Visual representations of life expectancy at birth vs. income between and withing countries:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPt8ElTQMIg and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbkSRLYSojo
*Doctor-Patient Relationship and Pharmaceutical Industry (comments, 2010): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIGwFQb0LGo
*Corporations and Health, “Conversations with Dr Don” (cable television program, March, 2011). Available athttp://www.veoh.com/watch/v208492269jJ8APJN (note: download Veoh web player, as per website, to watch full video). Also available at http://www.ctn5.org/shows/conversations-dr-don/conversations-dr-don-457-us-corporations-and-healthcare-4616 and http://www.josseybasspublichealth.com/Community-Health/corporations-and-health.aspx.
*Does today’s U.S. government serve corporations or the people? (Topics include the appropriate role of government in society and the U.S. health care system) Debate with Howard Ellberger, “Conversations with Dr Don” (cable television program, 2011). Available at http://www.veoh.com/watch/v21004742PCxDDT99(note: download Veoh web player, as per website, to watch full video).
Out in the Rural (movie – documentary on on the Delta Health Center’s direct action to address social
determinants of health in Mississippi in the 1970s, H Jack Geiger): http://vimeo.com/6659667
*Social justice in health care. Interview with Roberta Hall. The Health and Health Care Forum, KBOO Radio, December, 2011. Available at http://kboo.fm/node/32832 andhttp://ia600802.us.archive.org/32/items/HealthHealthcareEconomicsAndPolitics–interviewsAndTalks_727/039a.martindonohoeHealthAndJustice.mp3
*Sick: The unhealthy state of the U.S. health care system, and how to fix it (part I). Prescription for Justice (cable television show, February, 2019). Guest Samuel Metz, MD, Oregon Physicians for a National Health Program and Mad as Hell Doctors. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ci2CjyJmxJA.
*Sick: The unhealthy state of the U.S. health care system, and how to fix it (part II). Prescription for Justice (cable television show, March, 2019). Guest Samuel Metz, MD, Oregon Physicians for a National Health Program and Mad as Hell Doctors. Available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC5wgXR2aUY.
External Links:
Alan Guttmacher Institute: http://www.guttmacher.org/
American Birthright (Linking Early Child Development to a More Prosperous and Equitable America): http://www.americanbirthrightmedia.org/
American Medical Women’s Association: http://www.amwa-doc.org/
American Medical Students Association: http://www.amsa.org/
American Nurses Association: http://nursingworld.org/
American Public Health Association: http://www.apha.org/
Arnold P Gold Foundation: http://www.gold-foundation.org/
Association of American Medical Colleges: https://www.aamc.org/
Association of American Medical Colleges icollaborative: https://www.aamc.org/icollaborative
Association of American Medical Colleges Med Ed Portal: https://www.mededportal.org/
Association for Prevention Teaching and Research: www.aptrweb.org
Association of Schools of Public Health: http://www.asph.org/
Association of Schools of Public Health – Undergraduate Education for Public Health: http://www.asph.org/document.cfm?page=857
Australian Medical Association: http://www.ama.com.au/
Basic Health Access (Bob Bowman): http://www.basichealthaccess.org/
Boston University Advocacy Training Program: http://blogs.bu.edu/buatp/
Canadian Public Health Association: http://www.cpha.ca/en/default.aspx
Center for Advancing Health: http://www.cfah.org/
Center for Ethical Solutions: http://ethical-solutions.org/
Center for Policy Analysis: http://www.centerforpolicyanalysis.org/
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: http://www.cdc.gov/
Change.org Health Care Page: http://healthcare.change.org/
Corporations and Health Watch: http://www.corporationsandhealth.org/index.php
Dietary Supplement Education Initiative, US FDA: https://www.fda.gov/food/information-consumers-using-dietary-supplements/supplement-your-knowledge
Everybody In Nobody Out: http://www.EverybodyInNobodyOut.org
Evidence Network (Canada): http://www.evidencenetwork.ca/
Family Nurse Practitioner Programs: http://www.familynursepractitionerprograms.com/
Funding a Single-Payer Health Care System in the U.S. (Healthcare-NOW, from Dollars and Sense, 2012): http://www.healthcare-now.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/0312friedman.pdf
Global Health Watch (Alternative World Health Report): http://www.ghwatch.org/
Global Medical Libraries: https://www.globalmedicallibraries.org/
GoodRx: https://www.goodrx.com/
Health and Medicine Policy Research Group: http://hmprg.org/
Health and Medicine Policy Research Group blog: http://hmprg.typepad.com/health-medicine-hmprg/
Heal Medicare (PNHP website with criticisms of Medicare Advantage): https://healmedicare.org/
Healthcare not Wealthcare: http://healthcarenotwealthcare.us/
Health Care for all Oregon: http://hcao.org/
Health Care Under the Knife: Moving Beyond Capitalism for Our Health (Howard Waitzkin): https://monthlyreview.org/product/health_care_under_the_knife/
Health for All (Canada): http://www.health4all.ca/
HealthMattersUK: http://www.healthmatters.org.uk/
Health/PAC Digital Archive (Three Decades of Health and Social Justice): http://www.healthpacbulletin.org/
Health Providers Against Poverty (Canada): http://www.healthprovidersagainstpoverty.ca/
Health System Measurement Project (HHS): https://healthmeasures.aspe.hhs.gov/
Healthcare-NOW: https://www.healthcare-now.org/
International Society for Equity in Health: http://www.iseqh.org/index_en.htm
Investing in Health – A Budget Advocacy Toolkit (Public Health Awakened): https://publichealthawakened.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Investing-in-Health_-A-Budget-Advocacy-Toolkit.pdf?link_id=0&can_id=8a168591cce3b5ae72563e54d290dc65&source=email-new-resource-budget-advocacy-toolkit-to-invest-in-health&email_referrer=email_896989&email_subject=new-resource-budget-advocacy-toolkit-to-invest-in-health
Kaiser Family Foundation: http://www.kff.org/
Lown Institute: http://lowninstitute.org/
Lown Institute’s Martin Shkreli Awards – The worst in health care profiteering and dysfunction: 2023 Shkreli Awards – Lown Institute
Mad as Hell Doctors: http://madashelldoctors.com/
Medical Alumni Volunteer Expert Network (MAVEN): https://www.mavenproject.org/
Medical Education Futures Study (GWU): http://www.medicaleducationfutures.org/node/33
Medshare: http://www.medshare.org/
National Association of County and City Health Officials: http://www.naccho.org/
National Center for Medical Legal Partnership: http://medical-legalpartnership.org/
National Physicians Alliance: http://www.npalliance.org/
Non-Communicable Diseases and Human Rights Course: http://ncdsandhumanrights.com/
Nurse Practitioner Programs Database (including governmental resources): http://onlinenursepractitionerprograms.com/governmental-resources/
Oregon Public Health Association: http://www.oregonpublichealth.org/
Oregon Single Payer Campaign: http://www.singlepayeroregon.org/
Partners for World Health: https://www.partnersforworldhealth.org/
Patient Rights Advocate (Health Care Price Transparency): https://www.patientrightsadvocate.org/
People’s Health Movement: http://www.phmovement.org/en
People’s Health Movement Students’ Coalition: https://sites.google.com/site/phmsc2011/home
People’s Health Movement USA: http://www.phmovement.org/en/usa
Physical Access to Health Care – Health Equity Collection (Oxford Academic): Health Care Equity: Physical Access | Journals | Oxford Academic (oup.com)
Physicians for a National Health Program: http://www.pnhp.org/
Prepared Patient Forum: http://www.preparedpatientforum.org/index.cfm
Pre$cription for Power: https://khn.org/patient-advocacy/#
Prevention Education Research Center: http://www.teachprevention.org/index.php
Providing High Value, Cost-Conscious Care (Curriculum for Residents, ACP): http://www.acponline.org/education_recertification/education/curriculum/
Public Health Association of Australia: http://www.phaa.net.au/
Raising of America – Early Childhood and the Future of our Nation: http://www.raisingofamerica.org/
Research Cooperative: http://researchcooperative.org/
Right to Health Care: http://www.RightToHealthCare.org
Refugees and Global Health eLearning: http://ccirhken.ca/eLearning/
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: http://www.rwjf.org/index.jsp
Single payer policy training (Healthcare – Now!): https://www.healthcare-now.org/policytraining/
Social Determinants of Health Alliance (Australia): http://socialdeterminants.org.au/
Social Medicine and the Coming Transformation (By Howard Waitzkin, Alina Pérez, and Matt Anderson): Social Medicine and the Coming Transformation – 1st Edition – Howard (routledge.com)
Social Medicine Portal: http://www.socialmedicine.org/
Social Work Online Degree Programs: http://mswonlineprograms.org/
SocMed (Global Health Courses and Curricula): http://www.socmedglobal.org/index.html
SoEpi (Social Epidemiology for Everyone): https://secure.soepi.org/
Take Medicine Back (from Corporate Interests): https://www.takemedicineback.org/
Unnatural Causes (Is Inequality Making us Sick): http://www.unnaturalcauses.org/
Washington State Institute for Public Policy (Health Care): http://www.wsipp.wa.gov/topic.asp?cat=12&subcat=0&dteSlct=0
World health Organization: http://www.who.int/en/
World Population, Economic, Social, and Environmental Statistics (Interactive Map with Millenium Development Goals): http://www.ibge.gov.br/paisesat/main.php