Articles and slide shows on the pharmaceutical industry; testimony re state bills.
Slide Shows (see also Activism and Education, Food Justice/Food Safety, and Universal Health Care/Single Payer System pages – slides shows on Corporations and Public Health on Activism and Education page and slide show entitled “Health Care – U. S. and Worldwide” on Universal Health Care/Single Payer System page have the most comprehensive information):
*Agricultural Antibiotics, Factory Farms, Bayer, Cipro, and Anthrax – Putting Profits Before People
Slide show covering the relationship between Bayer, overuse of agricultural antibiotics, and the anthrax scare
Defense Against the Dark Arts – Understanding and Challenging Health Care Corruption
Slide show by Dr Roy Poses, President, Foundation for Integrity and Responsibility in Medicine
Drug industry and clinicians – Steven Miles
Slide show covering drug company-sponsored research, drug marketing in medical education, and consumer marketing, by Steven Miles, MD
Ethical aspects of global care & drug development – stone
Slide show covering drug development, neglected tropical diseases, NGOs, and the pharmeceutical industry, by Judy Stone, MD
Drug companies in developing countries – Joel Lexchin
Ethics, Drugs, and the Developing World: What Should we Expect of the Pharmaceutical Industry, by Joel Lexchin, MD
Off-Label Marketing of Neurontin and the Need for Warnings – Egilman, 2009
Case study by Dr. David Egilman
Pharmaceutical Industry Ethics.ppt
Slide presentation covering ethical and policy issues surrounding the pharmaceutical industry, early 2000s
Pharmaceutical Industry.ppt
Slide presentation covering the pharmaceutical industry, early 2000s
*pharmaceutical packaging waste.ppt
Slide show on research study on excess packaging waste in pharmaceutical samples
Pseudoevidence-Based Medicine – The New Threat to Evidence-Based Medicine
Slide show from Dr Wally Smith
Science, Religion, and the Pharmaceutical Industry – Egilman, 2009
How the pharmaceutical industry works like the mob – Dr. David Egilman
Unethical Clinical Trials in the Developing World – Almashat
Slide show on unethical pharmaceutical trials in the developing world, by Dr Sammy Almashat of Public Citizen’s Health Research Group
Vioxx Scandal, Vigor Trial, part I – Egilman, 2009
Analysis of data, drug pr0motion – Dr. David Egilman
Vioxx Scandal, Vigor Trial, part II – Egilman, 2009
Analysis of data, drug pr0motion – Dr. David Egilman
Where Have All the Trials Gone, and Ethical Aspects of the Shift Overseas – Stone
Analysis of the shift of drug trials overseas by Dr Judy Stone
Why Do Drugs Cost So Much and What can be done about it
Slide show by Joshua Freeman, MD
*AIDS Africa pharma – Oregonian lte.doc
Editorial re PHARMA lawsuit against South Africa concerning availability of generic anti-AIDS drugs
*Bayer – JAMA lte 12-04.doc
Unpublished letter re Bayer and the risks of cerevestatin
*Bayer – NEJM lte 11-06.doc
Unpublished letter re Bayer and the risks of aprotinin
Biomedical patents & eminent domain – JAMA lte 2-06.doc
Unpublished letter re biomedical patents, eminent domain, and the profit motive in medical research
drug approvals & profit motive – NEJM lte 8-06.doc
Unpublished letter re drug development and the profit motive
*Ethical Issues re Pharm Ind gifts
Article on ethical issues re pharmaceutical industry gifts
health services research and industry – JAMA lte.doc
Article re adverse consequences of secrecy and failure to publish on health services research and clinical recommendations
OR HB 2817 – pharm ind gift registration testimony.doc
Testimony before Oregon legislature re proposed bill to require reporting of pharmaceutical industry gifts to physicians
OR HB2817 re pharm ind gifts.intro.pdf
Proposed Oregon state bill requiring registration of pharmaceutical industry gifts to physicians
*pharm packaging waste – NEJM.doc
Research study on excess packaging waste in pharmaceutical samples
Research and profit – JAMA lte.doc
Unpublished letter re the profit motive in scientific research
*research, profits, & secrecy – NEJM lte 11-06.doc
Unpublished letter re research, profits, and secrecy
research, profits, & secrecy – NEJM lte 9-05.doc
Unpublished letter re research, profits, and secrecy
Radio/Video (see also Universal Health Care/Single Payer page):
*Pharmaceutical Industry, Keeping Kurrent Radio Program, 9-18-02. Available at
*Pharmaceutical Industry and Doctor-Patient Relationship (comments, video, 2010): see
External Links:
AMSA Scorecard (Conflict of Interest Policies at Academic Medical Centers:
AMSA’s PharmFree Campaign:
Conducting Clinical Research (Dr. Judy Stone):
Dietary Supplement Label Database (NIH):
Dollars for Docs:
Drug Alert:
Ethical Dilemmas in Overseas Trials:
Healthy Skepticism:
Judy Stone, MD, Forbes column covering infectious diseases, medicine, drug development, and ethics:
Knowledge Ecology, International:
Lown Institute:
Lown Institute’s Martin Shkreli Awards – The worst in health care profiteering and dysfunction: 2023 Shkreli Awards – Lown Institute
Mario Negri Institute:
No Free Lunch:
Open Payments (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services):
Pharmacists United for Truth and Transparency:
Pharmamyths (Dr Donald Light):
Pre$cription for Power:
Public Citizen’s Health Research Group: